Cats don't need grooming, they groom themselves.
Myth #1.. Cats groom themselves. Cats lick themselves, covering themselves with saliva and allergens, and ingesting large amounts of hair. do you want a cat covered in spit?
Myth #2..Cats hate water. Contrary to popular belief, most cats do amazingly well using proper handling techniques. I have been trained to treat a cat like a cat.
We come right to you. No need to stress your kitty out with car rides and all day salon stays with barking dogs and ringing phones. Kitty will be back in your home sunning themselves and primping before you know it.
My goal is not to come once a year and shave a matted, in pain, angry cat. That is dangerous for me and not healthy for the cat. My goal is to educate cat owners the importance of regular cat grooming services that will prevent the myriad of problems associated with waiting too long to have your cat groomed.
Matting fees will be doubled every time I come back and have to demat or shave a pelted kitty
Visit my Facebook Page Albany Cat Groomer to see more photos of my work.
Cat Grooming Prices
Before kitty. Greasy with mats and dandruff, poopy butt and overgrown nails
After kitty. Clean, de greased and de shed, no matts. Silky and fresh smelling with a clean bottom. Which would you rather have sleeping on your bed?
This grooming service is for all cats that are NOT matted and in need of clipping. Regular grooms of every 4-6weeks are recommended to prevent problems such as, matting, hairballs, excessive shedding, in-grown toenails, litter box kling ons and even ear and eye issues. This service includes:
Toenail trimming
Ear and Eye Cleaning
Warm, massaging bath with cat specific shampoo
Complete blow dry
Comb out to remove excess dead coat and any minor tangles*
Sanitary trim for large or long-haired kitties
Face trim included on all Persians and Himalayans
Longhaired Cats start at $140.00plus tax
Shorthaired Cats start at $125.00plus tax
****NOTE : additional fees may apply for tangles, matting, pelting, messy bottoms, aggression
* minor tangles are tangles about the size of a nickel that can be combed out quickly and easily
The Lion Trim is a very short haircut (shaved) leaving a mane and hair on front and back legs. Owners have the option of a full tail or lion tail with a pomp on the end.
The lion trim is a great choice for all cats, Short haired or Long haired that shedding, hairballs, and allergies are an issue
Lion Trims start at $170.00plus tax
Note : additional fees may apply for tangles, matting, pelting, messy bottoms, aggression
Comb Cut or Teddy Bear Trim
If you are looking for a short style but “not shaved”, this style is for you. A longer version of the Lion Trim. Coat can be left 1/2-3/4” long. This is a much better option for older, thin cats with paper thin skin.
Less hair, less shedding, but a cute “fluffy, teddy bear” appearance
Everything included with the Full Service Groom is included with this trim
Comb Cuts Start at $190.00plus tax
Note : additional fees may apply for tangles, matting, pelting, messy bottoms, aggression
Hot Mess Comfort Groom
If your cat is horribly matted and has never been groomed this is the solution. Cats that are pelted and cannot be brushed out need some relief. Older, frail, thin cats are especially prone to excessive matting due to the excessive oils in the skin and shedding hair. This haircut takes skill, patience and time. Many times sores and irritated skin are found under all that matting. This groom will make your cat comfortable again.
Hot Mess Comfort Groom $200.00
Customize your cats groom with these selected add ons. All charges are in addition to above grooming charges.
De Shed....$18.00
Sanitary trim....$10.00
Belly trim....$15.00
Paw Pad trim....$8.00
Face trim....$8.00
$20 Front only
$20 Back only
$30 Full set
*****Demat Fee...$1/minute
*****Load in the Pants Fee...$20
*****Over 20# fee...$20
“Missy” the Maine Coon